Credit Union Club Sponsors use Millionaire’s Clubs to further their mission of supporting financial literacy Sponsors Learn More Teachers lead classroom-based Clubs, organize activities, deliver lesson content, with the help of the Club’s student leadership. Teachers Learn More Students participate in the millionaire’s Club as part of a classroom-based Club or independently through a self-study approach. Students Learn More

Welcome to the Millionaire’s Club!

Whether a student, parent, teacher, or credit union sponsor, you will find tools to support achieving financial independence here.


Use independent study and activities to gain personal finance skills:

  • Six learning courses build important, life-long personal finance skills
  • Engaging investment
    simulations, competitions, and entrepreneurial project


Access complete lesson plan including digital files, student materials and activity forms paired with engaging activities to create a classroom course with a club-like feel.


As non-profit financial institutions, credit unions value the benefits of developing personal finance skills. Millionaire’s Club sponsorship options:

  • Traditional classroom-based Club for students in your community
  • Self-study approach delivered directly to your young members


Use independent study and activities to gain personal finance skills:

  • Six learning modules build important, life-long personal finance skills
  • Engaging investment
    simulations, competitions, and entrepreneurial project


Access complete lesson plan including digital files, student materials and activity forms paired with engaging activities to create a classroom course with a club-like feel.

CU Sponsor

As non-profit financial institutions, credit unions value the benefits of developing personal finance skills. Millionaire’s Club sponsorship options:

  • Traditional classroom-based Club for students in your community
  • Self-study approach you delivery directly to your young members

Millionaire’s Club Film

Students, teachers, and credit union sponsors share their thoughts on participating in the classroom-based version of the Millionaire’s Club.

We hired a production crew to gather firsthand what participants thought of the Millionaire’s Club.

In their own unscripted voices are actual student, teacher, and credit union sponsor reactions.

Play Video


Actual reviews from Millionaire’s Club members, their teachers, and Club sponsors on the positive impact, ease of administration, and benefit to their community’s youth.